21/01/2022 | Scientific promotionDr. Gómez-Zavaglia new member of the editorial committee of a prestigious journalDr. Andrea Gómez-Zavaglia, CONICET principal investigator and director of CIDCA, has recently been incorporated as a member of the editorial committee of the journal "Food Research International". This prestigious scientific publication, successor to the "Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal", is...
21/01/2022 | NewsLa Dra. Gómez-Zavaglia nuevo miembro del comité editorial de prestigiosa revista La Dra. Andrea Gómez-Zavaglia, investigadora principal CONICET y directora del CIDCA, ha sido incorporada recientemente como miembro del comité editorial de la revista "Food Research International". Esta prestigiosa publicación científica, sucesora de "Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal", es...