Journal “Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas en Alimentos” IBAA

e-ISSN: 3008-9336


The journal “Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas en Alimentos” is edited by the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimentos - CIDCA, born in the framework of the 50th anniversary anniversary of the creation of CIDCA from the idea conceived by Drs. Sandro Goñi and Martín Torrez Irigoyen, with the support of Dr. Noemí Zaritzky. Its objective is to provide a space for the publication of research in the field of food science, technology and engineering, both nationally and internationally.

The editorial team is formed by Dr. Noemí E. Zaritzky, as Editor in Charge, and Drs. Sandro Goñi and Martín Torrez Irigoyen as Technical Editors. The Scientific Board is made up of distinguished researchers from CIDCA and other research centers and universities in Argentina and Brazil.

Its contents include research articles, reviews and articles related to activities of liaison, extension or technology transfer to the productive sector.

Investigaciones Básicas y Aplicadas en Alimentos is a diamond open access publication (it does not charge authors or readers).

The journal is refereed, published electronically and is indexed in BINPAR - Bibliografía Nacional de Publicaciones Periódicas Argentinas Registradas (National Bibliography of Registered Argentine Periodicals).

Editorial assistance is provided by the General Coordination of Scientific Journals of the National University of La Plata.

The journal is available since August 19, 2024 from its website you can access all the information regarding the Editorial Committee, Scientific Council, guidelines for authors, policies, etc.


Website HERE


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